15 July 2014

Lucky Clifton Diocese!

Imagine having too many priests in one diocese!

Look at Fr Bede Rowe's blog.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know of at least two parishes in Clifton Diocese (in which I live) that have parish priest's who are off with long term serious illness. I am also aware of the pressures that many priest's in the diocese are under from parishes being amalgamated.
Is this another sign of priests who support the TLM being side lined?
Unfortunately Clifton Diocese is an ACTA (A Call To Action) friendly diocese who operate with Monsg. Lang's imprimatur.
I fear that rather than requesting assistance from traditional institutes or congregations (and now returning clergy), Bishop Lang plays on the obedience of his overworked priests to plug ever increasing shortfalls in daily Mass and the Sacraments, particularly outside of Bristol.