09 September 2014

Tuesday 9 September 1862

Today is the first day within the Octave of the Nativity of the BVM, and Mass is straightforward. The priest will wear white, and the three prayers (at each of the Collect, Secret and Postcommunion) will be: first, of the Octave, second of St Gorgonius, and third, of the Holy Ghost. (The feast is a semidouble so there have to be three prayers at each of the three points in the Mass.)

In Liverpool, the schedule at the Oratory of St Philip Neri at 26 Hope St, staffed by the Revv Peter Laverty and Henry Thrower is as follows:

On Sundays, Mass at 8.30 for the Workhouse children, 9.30 for the Women, and at 11 High Mass and Sermon.  Instruction at 3.00 for Workhouse children, and Prayers for them at 4, with Benediction on the first Sunday of the month.  Devotion of Compline of St Philip, Sermon and Benediction on Sunday at 6.30.  On weekdays, Mass at 7 and 8.30, and in the evenings Devotions at 8.  Confessions attended on Tuesday and Friday 7 to 10 pm, and on Saturday 9 to 12 am and 6.30 to 10 pm.  Confraternities: Company of St Philip Neri for young men, and Congregation of Our Blessed Lady for Scholars of the Institute.  Day and evening schools.


Genty said...

Not much time for golf, then.

Ttony said...

No, though, to be fair, I don't see your average 1860s Oratorian as a golfer.