09 February 2019

Pre-1910 Calendar for Week Beginning 10 February



Rubricarius said...

I would be interested to know what regular attenders of celebrations according to the 1962MR actually think when they see an Ordo such as this?

When they do not have a second or third collect as Monday to Friday this week do they even notice? What about the anticipated sixth Sunday after the Epiphany when they will celebrate the Saturday Mass of the BVM?

Prayerful said...

I have a 1947 St Andrew's Missal', with a supplement for Irish Feasts, which means a strong awareness in me of how the 1955-62 changes deeply impoverished the calendar and liturgy. We know where that rationalising spirit led. Ireland has good to moderate availability, but in respect of anything earlier (barring SSPX customs like '62 with confiteor before Communion carried into diocesan '62), there is nothing.