19 July 2008

A New Blogroll

I'm trying out Blogger's new blogroll facility. The only choice is "most recently updated" or "alphabetical order". I don't like either!

I've done some addition and subtraction as well.


Mulier Fortis said...

Hmmmmm. Not sure about that! I like the fact that it tells you what the latest post on each blog is... but it does make the blogroll rather long. I have my blogrolls arranged by "Blogrolling" which means that I can have three sub-sets (or less/more if I so choose) and I can arrange them whatever way I want...

...but the "last updated" facility never seems to work properly...

Anagnostis said...

I'm so pleased you've included Fr Stephen Freeman's Glory to God for All Things. Father started blogging around the same time as us, and he's always been for me "a place of refreshment, light and peace". No apologetics, no polemics - just the mind-in-the-heart of a true pastor, speaking with unfailing lucidity and gentleness about the things that really matter to all of us, Orthodox or Roman: repentance, forgiveness, simplicity before the Lord, prayer, sacrament, redemption and love.

Glory to God for all things!