29 April 2017

Second Sunday After Easter 1865

30 SUNDAY, Second after Easter. Octave of St George, Martyr, double. Second prayers and last Gospel of the Sunday. Red. First Vespers of Sts Philip and James, with commemoration of the Octave day of St George only. Red.

1 Monday (Feast of Devotion) Sts PHILIP and JAMES, double of the second class. Creed, Preface of the Apostles. Red.

2 Tuesday St Athanasius, Bishop Confessor Doctor, double. Creed. White.

3 Wednesday (Feast of Devotion) The INVENTION of the HOLY CROSS, double of the second class. In low Mass second prayers of Sts Alexander I Pope Martyr, Sts Eventius and Theodulys, Priests Martyrs, and St Juvenal Bishop Confessor. Creed, Preface of the Cross. Red. [In Diocese of Liverpool Plenary Indulgence.]

4 Thursday St Monica, Widow, double. White.

5 Friday St Catherine of Sienna, Virgin, double. White. Abstinence.

6 Saturday St John before the Latin Gate, greater double. Creed, Preface of the Apostles. Red.

As far as I can tell, the parish of the Holy Family, Great Saffron Hill, no longer exists, so there is no 2017 schedule to measure against this one.  I have left this description of parish life almost exactly as Fr Biemans must have provided it to Messrs Burns and Lambert just over 150 years ago.  If you have read this far do say an "Eternal Rest" for Frs Biemans and Blake.

The parish of the Holy Family, Great Saffron Hill is served by the Revs Joseph Louis Biemans and Francis Joseph Blake. On Sunday, Mass is at 7.30, 9.00 (for children), and 10.00. High Mass at 11.00. Baptisms and Churchings at 1.00; Catechism at 3.30, with Benediction on third Sunday of month, after which instruction for the teachers.  Vespers, sermon and Benediction at 7.00 pm. On first Sunday of month Procession in honour of the Rosary. On Holydays Mass at 7.00, 8.00, 9.00 (for children), and 10.00.  Rosary, instruction and Benediction at 8.00 pm. On Weekdays Mass at 7.00 and 8.00 (on Thursday at 8.00 and 9.00 (for children)). Baptisms and Churchings at 9.00. On first Monday of month devotions, instruction and Benediction for the Confraternity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel at 8.00 pm. On first Tuesday devotions, instruction and Benediction for the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament at 8.00. On first Friday devotions, instruction and Benediction for the Confraternity of the Sacred Heart at 8.00 pm. Every Tuesday devotions, instruction and Benediction for the Confraternity of the Holy Family at 8.00 pm (men only admitted). On Wednesday devotions, instruction and Benediction at 8.00. On Thursday Rosary and Visit to Blessed Sacrament at 8.00. On Friday Rosary, instruction and Benediction at 8.00. Special services in Lent and Advent. Confessions on Saturday from 9.00 to 11.00 am, and on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 6.00 pm, and on first Saturday of month from 5.00 pm. Confraternities of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the Holy Family, Blessed Sacrament, Sacred Heart, Christian Doctrine, and Holy Rosary. Altar Society, Conference of S Vincent of Paul, Young Men's Society. Lending library; middle-class schools; night-schools in winter for young men; also for young women. The parish also serves the West London Union Workhouse.


CatholicNI said...

Which priesthood will you defend?

The Flying Dutchman said...
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