17 April 2009

The Tablet ...

Fr Michael Brown posted an interesting comment from The Tablet's Rome correspondent:

... it is extraordinary that ordained ministers can find so much free time and energy to "feed a blog". Is it possible that they have no housebound, hospitalised or imprisoned parishioners in need of their presence and ministry? It is also extraordinary that their bishops allow this. But then again we are living in extraordinary times.
I realised that some attempts of mine at humour were a waste of time when I found a YouTube video of a man whose hobby was jumping on eggs without breaking them: nature was wierder than art.

But this is beyond parody. This is The Tablet disappearing into a very odd place indeed.


Mulier Fortis said...

Methinks they got their fingers burned after attacking a certain priest-blogger...

Anonymous said...

Anyone for a swansong, Tablet-style?!