What on earth is this?
It has sprung up in the middle of the garden. It's a shade pinker than the photo suggests. It wasn't there 10 days ago, honest!
Musings about Tradition in the Catholic Church in England and Wales, and an attempt to collect essays and articles which would appear in a Catholic press which exercised critical solidarity with the Hierarchy.
It's a plant.
Trust me... I'm a Biology teacher.
Oh.... you wanted something more specific...
Ok. It's a flowering plant.
I think it is an English Wood Hyacinth, it is about the right time of year for them. Your specimen, however, looks a lot more butch than others whose images I can find on the internet. I may be wrong!
I would agree on the wood hyacinth.
Thanks Rita and Pablo: I love the idea of a butch hyacinth.
Mac should have been a politician: she answers the question accurately, then volunteers more accurate information, and at the end those listening are no better informed than at the start.
No... I'd never make a politician. I was telling the truth!
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