24 June 2017

Third Sunday After Pentecost 1865

25 SUNDAY, third after Pentecost. The Most Sacred Heart of OUR LORD, double of the second class. Second prayers and last Gospel of the Sun­day. Preface of the Cross. White. Second Vespers of the Feast, with commemoration of Sts John and Paul, the Sunday, and the Octave. Plenary Indulgence. Collection for the Poor-School Committee, the benefactors of which can gain a Plenary Indulgence during the whole of the ensuing week.

26 Monday Sts John and Paul, Martyrs, double. Red.

27 Tuesday St Alban, Proto-Martyr of England, greater double (transferred from 22 June). Red.

28 Wednesday Vigil. St Leo II, Pope Confessor, semidouble. Second prayers of the Octave, third prayers and last Gospel of the Vigil. White. FAST.

The Indulgence begins.

29 Thursday Sts PETER and PAUL, Apostles, double of the First Class with an Octave, during which commemoration of the Octave, Creed, and Preface of the Apostles. Red. Second Vespers of the Feast.

30 Friday The Commemoration of St Paul, Apostle, double. Second prayers of St Peter. Red. Abstinence.

1 Saturday The Octave of St John Baptist, double. White. [In dioceses of Clifton, St David's and Newport, and Plymouth, principal Mass of the BVM, with Gloria, one prayer and Creed; Litany of the BVM, and Benediction. White.]

In 1865 the Parish of Sts Mary and Joseph, Gate-street, Upper North-street, Poplar is served by the Revs John Stanton (Missionary Rector) and Henry Francis Bradbee. On Sundays Mass is at 7.30 and 9.00, and High Mass at 11.00. Catechism and Benediction 3.00. Vespers, sermon and Benediction at 6.00. On Holydays Mass is at 8.00 and 10.00. Prayers, sermon and Benediction at 7.00 pm. Weekday Mass at 9.00. Every Wednesday evening Litany of Loretto, instruction and Benediction at 7.00 pm. On Fridays in Advent and Lent Stations. Confraternities of the Blessed Sacrament, Living Rosary and St. Patrick. The Parish serves
Poplar Workhouse, Stepney Workhouse School, Limehouse Poplar Hospital, Poplar Fever Hospital, and Cholera House.

In 2017 the Parish is served by the Rev Keith Stoakes.  Anticipated Mass is on Saturday at 6.00 pm and on Sunday at 10.00.  Antcipated Mass of Holydays at 7.00 pm, and Holyday Mass at 10.00.  Weekday Mass Monday to Friday at 9.30 am in the weekday chapel.  Confessions Saturday 5.15 to 5.45 or on request.

17 June 2017

Second Sunday After Pentecost 1865

18 SUNDAY, within the Octave of Corpus Christi, and second after Pentecost, semidouble. Third prayers of Sts Mark and Marcellinus, Martyrs. White. First Vespers of St Juliana Falconieri, with commemorations of the Sunday, the Octave and Sts Gervase and Protase, Martyrs. [In Diocese of Birmingham, Dedication of the Cathedral, double of the First Class, with an Octave in the city of Birmingham. Second prayers and last Gospel of the Sunday. White. Second Vespers of the Feast, with commemoration of St Juliana, the Sunday and the Octave only. In Diocese of Nottingham, Octave of St Barnabas, Apostle, double. Second prayers and last Gospel of the Sunday, Preface of the Apostles. Red. Second Vespers of St Barnabas to the Little Chapter, thence of St Juliana, with commemorations of St Barnabas, the Sunday, the Octave, and Sts Gervase and Protase, Martyrs. White.]

19 Monday St Juliana Falconieri, Virgin, double. Third prayers of Sts Gervase and Protase. White.

20 Tuesday Of the Octave, semidouble. Second prayers of St Silverius, Pope Martyr. White.

21 Wednesday St Aloysius Gonzaga, Confessor, double. Third prayers for the Pope (Anniversary of the Coronation of His Holiness). White. [In D of Birmingham, fourth prayers for the Bishop.]

22 Thursday Octave of Corpus Christi, double. Second prayers of St Paulinus, Bishop Confessor. White. [In dioceses of Salford, Shrewsbury, and Southwark, third prayers for the Bishop.]

The Indulgence ends.

23 Friday Vigil. St Barnabas, Apostle, greater double (transferred from 11 June). Second prayers and last Gospel of the Vigil, Preface of the Apostles. Red. Abstinence. [In Diocese of Northampton, St Etheldreda, Virgin, double. Second prayers and last Gospel of the Vigil. White. In Diocese of Nottingham, St Mary Magdalen of Pazzi, Virgin, double (transferred from 3 June). Second prayers and last Gospel of the Vigil. White.]

24 Saturday (Feastday of Devotion) The NATIVITY of St JOHN THE BAPTIST, double of the First Class with an Octave, during which the feast is commemorated. White. [In D of Liverpool, Plenary Indulgence.] Abstinence.

The Cathedral Church of St George in St. George's-fields, Southwark is served by the Right Reverend Bishop Grant, the Very Reverend Thomas, Provost Doyle, DD, the Reverend James Canon and Vicar General Donell, and the Revs Joseph Moore and Robert Simpson (Chaplain of the Military Prison). On Sundays Mass and discourse at 6.30 and 7.30, Mass at 8.30 and 9.30, High Mass with sermon at 11.00.  Catechism and Benediction at 3.00. Vespers, sermon and Benediction at 6.30. On Holydays Mass at 7.00, 8.00, 9.00, 10.00, High Mass with sermon at 11.00. Vespers, sermon and Benediction at 8.00. On Weekdays Mass at 8.00, 9.00, and 10.00. On Mondays Vespers of the Dead and discourse at 8.00. On Wednesdays Litany and Rosary at 8.00 pm. On Thursdays Litany and Benediction at 8.00 pm. On Fridays in Lent Stations of the Cross at 8.00 pm. On Saturdays Litany and Procession at 8.00 followed, on first Saturday by Benediction. Confraternities of the Blessed Sacrament (Thursday), of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Friday), of the Rosary, of the Immaculate Heart of the BVM for the conversion of sinners (Saturday), and of the Guild of the Blessed Virgin and St. George, or Confraternity for the Dead. Third Sunday of July, Feast of St. Victor, Martyr. The Church is open for the faithful, from 6.00 in summer, or 7.00 in winter, till 1.00pm.  Mass is offered in the Petre Chantry for the repose of the soul of the late Hon. Edward Petre, and in the Knill Chantry for the late John Knill, Esq R.I.P.). Workhouses: St. Saviour's, St. George the Martyr's, Lambeth, and Newington. Bethlehem and St. Thomas's Hospitals. Prisons: Military and Horsemonger-lane.

In 2017 the Most Reverend Peter Smith is Archbishop.  Canon Richard Dean KCHS is the Cathedral Dean, supported by Frs Oladele Craig, Thomas Bakulumpagi and Stephen Haines. Anticipated Mass is on Sunday at 6.00 pm.  Sunday Mass is at 8.00, 10.00, 11.30, 1.00 pm (Spanish) and 6.00 pm. Weekday Mass is at 7.30 (9.30 on Saturday) and 12.30. Evening Mass at 6.00 pm in Lent.  Evening Prayer and Benediction on Friday at 6.00 pm (except Lent). Mass on public holidays at 12.30 (after which the Cathedral is closed). Confessions Monday to Friday 12.00 to 12.20 pm, Saturdays 11.15 to 12.15 and 5.00 to 5.50. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Monday to Friday 8.00 to 6.00, and Saturday 10.00 to 12.15.

10 June 2017

Trinity Sunday 1865

11 TRINITY SUNDAY, and first after Pentecost, double of the second class.  Commemoration and last Gospel of the Sunday, Preface of the Trinity (and on subsequent Sundays). White. Second Vespers of the Feast, commemoration of St John of St Facundo, of the Sunday, and of St Basilides and Companions, Martyrs. [In Diocese of Westminster, collection for Church Building Fund. In D of Hexham and Newcastle, Plenary Indulgence. In Diocese of Plymouth first Vespers of St Boniface, commemoration of Trinity Sunday.]

12 Monday St John of St Facundo, Confessor, double. Second prayers of Sts Basilides and Companions, Martyrs. White. [In Diocese of Plymouth, St Boniface, Bishop Martyr, Patron of the Diocese, double of the First Class (transferred from 5 June). Creed. Red.]

13 Tuesday St Anthony of Padua, Confessor, double. White.

14 Wednesday St Basil, Bishop Confessor Doctor, double. Creed. White.

15 Thursday CORPUS CHRISTI, double of the First Class with an Octave, during which commemoration of the Octave, Creed, and Preface of Christmas. White. Second Vespers of the Feast. Plenary Indulgence. [In D of Nottingham commemoration of St Barnabas at Vespers.]

16 Friday Of the Octave, semidouble. Second prayers Concede, third prayers for the Church or Pope. White. Abstinence. [In Diocese of Nottingham St Barnabas, Titular of the Cathedral, double of the First Class with an Octave, during which commemoration of St Barnabas. Preface of the Apostles. Red.]

17 Saturday Of the Octave, semidouble. Second prayers for the Pope (Anniversary of the Election of His Holiness), 3d prayers Concede. White.

Our Lady and St Maughold in Ramsay is served by the Rev Robert Gillow. On Sundays Holy Communion is at 8.00, and Mass at 10.30.  Catechetical Instruction is at 2.00, and Devotions at 6.00.  Weekday Mass is at 8.00. Rosary n Wednesdays at 7.00 pm. Stations of the Cross on Friday at 7.00 pm.

In 2017 the parish is served by the Rev Brian O’Mahony.  Anticipated Mass is on Saturday at 6.30, and on Sunday at 11.00. Anticipated Mass for Holydays is at 7.30 pm, with Mass on the Holyday at 1.00.  Weekday Mass on Wednesday at 7.30 pm, Friday at 10.00 and Saturday at 12.30.

03 June 2017

Whitsunday 1865

4 WHITSUNDAY or PENTECOST, double of the First Class with an Octave. Red. Vespers of the Feast. [In Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle Plenary Indulgence.]

5 (Feast of Devotion) WHITSUN-Monday, double of the First Class. Creed during the week. Red.

6 (Feast of Devotion) WHITSUN-Tuesday, double of the First Class.  Red.

7 Ember-Wednesday, of the Octave, semidouble. Second prayers for the Church or the Pope. Red. FAST.

8 Thursday, of the Octave, semidouble. Second prayers for the Church or the Pope. Red. [In Diocese of Westminster, third prayers for the Cardinal Archbishop.]

9 Ember-Friday, of the Octave, semidouble. Second prayers of Sts Primus and Felician, Martyrs. Red. FAST.

10 Ember-Saturday, of the Octave, semidouble. Second prayers for the Church or the Pope. Red. FAST.

Here ends the Paschal Time

The Rev Arthur McCann is parish priest at St Joseph, Heywood.  Mass on Sunday is at 9.00 and 11.00, the latter with sermon.  Catechetical instruction is at 3.30, and there is an evening service with sermon and Benediction at 6.00.  On Holydays Mass is at 9.00 and there is an evening service with Benediction at 7.00.

In 2017 Mass on Sunday is at 9.30.  On Holydays Mass is at 9.15, 12.30 and 6.30. Weekday Mass on Thursday at 5.45 pm, Friday at 9.00 am and Saturday at 12.00 p.m.