25 SUNDAY, third after Pentecost. The Most Sacred Heart of
OUR LORD, double of the second class. Second prayers and last Gospel of the Sunday.
Preface of the Cross. White. Second Vespers of the Feast, with
commemoration of Sts John and Paul, the Sunday, and the Octave. Plenary
Indulgence. Collection for the Poor-School Committee, the benefactors of which can gain a
Plenary Indulgence during the whole of the ensuing week.
26 Monday Sts John and Paul, Martyrs, double. Red.
27 Tuesday St Alban, Proto-Martyr of England, greater
double (transferred from 22 June). Red.
Wednesday Vigil. St Leo II, Pope Confessor, semidouble. Second prayers of the
Octave, third prayers and last Gospel of the Vigil. White. FAST.
The Indulgence begins.
Thursday Sts PETER and PAUL, Apostles, double of the First Class with an
Octave, during which commemoration of the Octave, Creed, and Preface of
the Apostles. Red. Second Vespers of the Feast.
Friday The Commemoration of St Paul, Apostle, double. Second prayers of St
Peter. Red. Abstinence.
Saturday The Octave of St John Baptist, double. White. [In dioceses of
Clifton, St David's and Newport, and Plymouth, principal Mass of the BVM, with Gloria,
one prayer and Creed; Litany of the
BVM, and Benediction. White.]
1865 the Parish of Sts Mary and Joseph, Gate-street,
Upper North-street, Poplar is served by the Revs John Stanton (Missionary
Rector) and Henry Francis Bradbee. On Sundays Mass is at 7.30 and 9.00, and
High Mass at 11.00. Catechism and Benediction 3.00. Vespers, sermon and
Benediction at 6.00. On Holydays Mass is at 8.00 and 10.00. Prayers, sermon and
Benediction at 7.00 pm. Weekday Mass at 9.00. Every Wednesday evening Litany of
Loretto, instruction and Benediction at 7.00 pm. On Fridays in Advent and Lent
Stations. Confraternities of the Blessed Sacrament, Living Rosary and St.
Patrick. The Parish serves
Poplar Workhouse, Stepney Workhouse School, Limehouse
Poplar Hospital, Poplar Fever Hospital, and Cholera House.
In 2017 the Parish is served by the Rev Keith
Stoakes. Anticipated Mass is on Saturday
at 6.00 pm and on Sunday at 10.00.
Antcipated Mass of Holydays at 7.00 pm, and Holyday Mass at 10.00. Weekday Mass Monday to Friday at 9.30 am in
the weekday chapel. Confessions Saturday
5.15 to 5.45 or on request.