29 January 2023

Pre-1910 Calendar for Week Beginning 29 January

The Feast of Devotion of the Purification is announced

29 SUNDAY Fourth after Epiphany, St Francis de Sales, double. Second prayers and last Gospel of the Sunday. White. Second Vespers of St Francis to the Little Chapter, thence of St Martina, with commemorations of St Francis and the Sunday. Red.

30 Monday St Martina, Virgin Martyr, double. Red.

31 Tuesday St Peter Nolasco, Confessor, double. White.

FEBRUARY has 28 days

1 Wednesday St Ignatius, Bishop Martyr, double. Red.

2 Thursday (FEASTDAY OF DEVOTION) THE PURIFICATION OF THE BVM, double of the second class, Creed, Preface of Christmas. White. Plenary Indulgence.

Before Mass the Candles are blessed and there is a procession. The celebrant wears a violet cope, and the sacred ministers wear folded chasubles without maniples.

After Compline, Ave Maria until Maundy Thursday

3 Friday St Paul, First Hermit, double (transferred from 15 January). Second prayers of St Blaise Bishop Martyr. White. Abstinence.

4 Saturday St Andrew Corsini, Bishop Confessor, double. White.

On all Sundays from now until Easter the Gloria is not said and the Alleluia is replaced by the Tract, even on the feasts of Saints.

21 January 2023

Pre-1910 Calendar for Week Begining 22 January 2023

22 SUNDAY Third after Epiphany, semidouble, second prayers of the BVM, third prayers for the Church or the Pope. Green. First Vespers of the Espousals of the BVM, commemoration of the Sunday and of St Emerentiana, Virgin Martyr. White.

23 Monday The Espousals of the BVM, greater double. Second prayers of St Emerentiana, Virgin Martyr, Third prayers of St Joseph, Creed, Preface of the BVM. White. Plenary Indulgence.

24 Tuesday St Timothy, Bishop Martyr, double. Red.

25 Wednesday The Conversion of St Paul, Apostle, greater double. Second prayers of St Peter, Creed, Preface of the Apostles.  White.

In the Diocese of Liverpool, third prayers (Collect, Secret and Communion) from the Mass Deum Omnium on the anniversary of the succession of the Bishop.

26 Thursday St Polycarp, Bishop Martyr, double. Red.

27 Friday St John Chrysostom, Bishop Confessor Doctor, double. Creed. White. Abstinence.

28 Saturday St Raymund of Pennafort, Confessor, semidouble (transferred from 23 January). Second prayers of St Agnes, Virgin Martyr, third prayers of the BVM. White.



14 January 2023

Pre-1910 Calendar for Week Beginning 15 January 2023


15 SUNDAY Second after Epiphany. The MOST HOLY NAME OF JESUS, double of the second class.  Second prayers and last Gospel of the Sunday, third prayers of St Maur, Abbot. Preface of Christmas. White. Second Vespers of the Feast, commemoration of the Sunday and of St Marcellus. Plenary Indulgence.

16 Monday St Marcellus, Pope Martyr, semidouble.  Second prayers of the BVM, third prayers for the Church or the Pope. Red.

From today until first Vespers of Passion Sunday the Suffrages of the Saints are said at lauds and Vespers when appropriate (see Latin below for details.) St George is commemorated as patron, except for the diocese of Hexham and Newcastle, where St Cuthbert is the patron, and the dioceses of Northampton and Plymouth, in which St Thomas and St Boniface (respectively) are commemorated before St George.

17 Tuesday St Anthony, Abbot Confessor, double. White.

18 Wednesday St Peter's Chair at Rome, greater double. Second prayers of St Paul, Apostle, Creed, Preface of the Apostles. White.

19 Thursday St Wolstan, Bishop Confessor, double. Second prayers of SS Marius and Companions, Martyrs. White.

20 Friday SS Fabian and Sebastian, Martyrs, double. Red. Abstinence.

21 Saturday St Agnes, Virgin Martyr, double. Red.

07 January 2023

Pre-1910 Calendar for Week Beginning 8 January 2023


8 SUNDAY within the Octave, and 1st after Epiphany, semidouble, second prayer of the Octave. White. Vespers of the Sunday, commemoration of the Octave.

9 Monday Third day in the Octave, semidouble, second prayers of the BVM, third prayers for the Church or the Pope. White. No Votive Masses or Masses for the Dead.

10 Tuesday Fourth day in the Octave, semidouble, second prayers of the BVM, third prayers for the Church or the Pope. White. No Votive Masses or Masses for the Dead.

11 Wednesday Fifth day in the Octave, semidouble, second prayers of St Hyginus, Pope Martyr, third prayers of the BVM. White. No Votive Masses or Masses for the Dead.

12 Thursday Sixth day in the Octave, semidouble, second prayers of the BVM, third prayers for the Church or the Pope. White. No Votive Masses or Masses for the Dead.

13 Friday Octave of the Epiphany, double, Creed. White. Abstinence.

14 Saturday St Hilary, Bishop Confessor Doctor, double, second prayer of St Felix, Martyr. Creed. White.

01 January 2023

Pre-1910 Calendar for Week Beginning 1 January 2023

JANUARY has 31 days

Announcement of the of Feast of the Epiphany

In London and Liverpool parishes and in the Dioceses of Beverley and Southwark notifications to be announced are found in the diocesan Ordo.

1 SUNDAY (Vacant) CIRCUMCISION OF OUR LORD double of the second class. Creed (till the Octave of the Epiphany inclusively); Preface of Christmas (till the Epiphany). White. Second Vespers of the Feast, commemoration of the Octave of St Stephen only.

NB Plenary Indulgence from the First Vespers till sunset of the Feast; and thus on all Feasts of OUR LORD and the BVM.

Hexham and Newcastle Plenary Indulgence on the first and second Sundays of each month.

Liverpool Plenary Indulgence on all Sundays.

2 Monday Octave of St Stephen, Proto-Martyr, double. Commemoration of Octaves of St Thomas, St John and Holy Innocents. Creed and Preface of the Nativity but not its Communicantes. Red.

3 Tuesday. Octave of St John, Apostle and Evangelist, double. Commemoration of Octaves of St Thomas and Holy Innocents. Creed, Preface of the Apostles. White.

4 Wednesday. Octave of the Holy Innocents, double. Commemoration of the Octave of St Thomas. Gloria, Creed, Preface of Christmas. Red.

5 ThursdayVigil. Octave of St Thomas Bishop Martyr, double. Commemoration of Vigil of the Epiphany and St Telesphorus; last Gospel of Vigil. Creed, Preface of Christmas. Red.

6 Friday EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD, double of the first class, with an Octave, during which the Preface of the Epiphany is said. Creed, proper Communicantes. White. Second Vespers of the Feast. Plenary Indulgence. Abstinence.

The Indulgence ends.

7 Saturday. Second day in the Octave, semidouble; second prayers of the BVM (Deus qui salutis), third prayers for the Church or the Pope, Creed. White. No Votive Masses or Masses for the Dead.

CliftonSt David's and Newport, and Plymouth, after principal Mass Litany of the BVM, and, if possible, Exposition and Benediction. White.

‡ From today Solemn Nuptials may be celebrated.


Promulga festum.

In Civitat Londin et Liverp et in DD Beverl at Suthwarc promulga Notif in calce Ord.

+ 1. DOM (vacat). INDULG PLEN. CIRCUMCISIO DNJC, dup 2 cl ; ° ut in Nat Dni usq ad Epiph; in M Cr, Præf et Coic Nat. In V com seq taut, ant v et or pr.                                          A

Hag-Novic. INDULG PLEN, et in prima et secunda Dominica singulorum. mensium.

Liverp. INDULG PLEN, et in omnibus Dominicis per annum.

2 Fer 2. Octava S Stephani Proto-M, dup ; com Octt SS Thomae, Joannis et Innoc in L et M, Cr,

Præf (sed non Coic) Nat. V a cap seq, com præc et Octt SS Thomæ et Innoc.             R

Salford. Com Octt SS Joannis, Thomas et Innoc in L et M.

3 Fer 3. Octava S Joannis Ap, dup ; com Octt SS Thomæ et Innoc in L et M, Cr, Præf App. In V com seq et Oct S Thomæ.                                                                                                        A

4 Fer 4. Octava SS Innoc MM, dup ; ad Mat in resp 8 dic Gloria Patri et loco resp 9 Te Deum; com Oct S Thomæ in L et M, GI in exc, loco tract dic Allel cum v seq, Cr, Præf Nat. V a cap seq (ut in 1 V fest) com præc, Vig et S Telesphori MP (ant Qui odit v Justus ex L)                                     R

5 Fer 5. Vigilia Epiph. Octava S Thomæ MP, dup ;  ll 1 n Vig, 2 n Principes de coi 2 loco, 3 n ut in Suppl vel ex Dom 2 post Pasch, 9 l et ult Evang Vig, com ejus et S (ant Iste sanctus v Gloria ex 1 V) in L et M, Cr (Secreta pro S Hostias ex M Statuit pro MP), Præf Nat. V seq sine com, ° et per Oct. R

+ 6 Fer 6. INDULG PLEN. EPIPHANIA DNI, dup 1 cl A cum Oct ; ad Mat dictis Pater, Ave et Credo, omitt Dne labia et absolute incip ab ant Afferte Dno ; ad Prim resp brev Qui apparuisti hodie (et per Oct) ; in M Cr, Præf et Coic pr, et per Oct                                                                        A 

Desinit Indulgentia

7 Sab. De 2 die infra Oct, sem ; ad Mat di Dne labia,  Invit et hymn ; ll et ant ad Bened et Magn quotid pr per  Oct; resp 1 Tria sunt, in 3 n ant Homo cum psalm Fundamenta ; in M 2 or Deus qui salutis, 3 or Ecclesiæ vel pro Papa, Cr (prohib M V et Def). V a cap Dom infra Oct, com Oct (ant Videntes stellam, v Omnes de Saba).                                                                                                                      A

Clift, Menev-Newp, Plym. Post M principalem Litan Lauret, et si fieri potest, Expos et Bened SS Sacr.

Hodie aperiuntur Solemnitates Nuptiarum.

Pre-1910 Calendar for 2023

 I have published before a series of blogposts illustrating what the week in church would have looked like to the Catholic in the pew if the liturgical changes of the twentieth century hadn't happened.

I'm going to do it again (better and more realistically, I intend to try to do it again) for 2023 but with a change: this year's Ordo will have all of the instructions in Latin for priests and will cover not just Mass but the Office as well. A separate translation in English will be what we might imagine the Sacristan in a modest parish would have needed: odd additional commemorations in Lauds and Vespers weren't his business, while making sure the priest and the altar were dressed in the right colours were.

I intend to be a bit less profuse with the obiter dicta: my views on what matters and what doesn't aren't everybody's (and aren't necessarily accurate anyway) but I will choose every now and then to draw attention to the pulse of the year: to the Sanctoral taking precedence over the Dominical (so green will be a pretty rare colour to the Catholic who attends Mass on Sundays and Holydays); to the priority that diocesan celebrations have (we will see on occasion a Mass that can only be celebrated in one place in the entire Universe), a cast of mind in which the local has an importance mainly absent today; and to a system rooted in 1800 years of slow, organic, change.

Please feel free to ask questions via the combox or via Twitter (@themunimentroom)

I will post this week's Ordo in a moment, and will try to post on Saturdays henceforth.