JANUARY has 31 days
Announcement of the of Feast of the Epiphany
In London and Liverpool parishes and in the Dioceses of Beverley and Southwark notifications to be announced are found in the diocesan Ordo.
1 SUNDAY (Vacant) CIRCUMCISION OF OUR LORD double of the second class. Creed (till the Octave of the Epiphany inclusively); Preface of Christmas (till the Epiphany). White. Second Vespers of the Feast, commemoration of the Octave of St Stephen only.
NB Plenary Indulgence from the First Vespers till sunset of the Feast; and thus on all Feasts of OUR LORD and the BVM.
Hexham and Newcastle Plenary Indulgence on the first and second Sundays of each month.
Liverpool Plenary Indulgence on all Sundays.
2 Monday Octave of St Stephen, Proto-Martyr, double. Commemoration of Octaves of St Thomas, St John and Holy Innocents. Creed and Preface of the Nativity but not its Communicantes. Red.
3 Tuesday. Octave of St John, Apostle and Evangelist, double. Commemoration of Octaves of St Thomas and Holy Innocents. Creed, Preface of the Apostles. White.
4 Wednesday. Octave of the Holy Innocents, double. Commemoration of the Octave of St Thomas. Gloria, Creed, Preface of Christmas. Red.
5 Thursday. Vigil. Octave of St Thomas Bishop Martyr, double. Commemoration of Vigil of the Epiphany and St Telesphorus; last Gospel of Vigil. Creed, Preface of Christmas. Red.
6 Friday EPIPHANY OF OUR LORD, double of the first class, with an Octave, during which the Preface of the Epiphany is said. Creed, proper Communicantes. White. Second Vespers of the Feast. Plenary Indulgence. Abstinence.
The Indulgence ends.
7 Saturday. Second day in the Octave, semidouble; second prayers of the BVM (Deus qui salutis), third prayers for the Church or the Pope, Creed. White. No Votive Masses or Masses for the Dead.
Clifton, St David's and Newport, and Plymouth, after principal Mass Litany of the BVM, and, if possible, Exposition and Benediction. White.
‡ From today Solemn Nuptials may be celebrated.
habet Dies XXXI
In Civitat
Londin et Liverp et in DD Beverl at Suthwarc promulga Notif in calce Ord.
+ 1. DOM
(vacat). INDULG PLEN. CIRCUMCISIO DNJC, dup 2 cl ; ° ut in Nat Dni usq ad
Epiph; in M Cr, Præf et Coic Nat. In V com seq taut, ant v et
or pr. A
INDULG PLEN, et in prima et secunda Dominica singulorum. mensium.
Liverp. INDULG
PLEN, et in omnibus Dominicis per annum.
2 Fer 2.
Octava S Stephani Proto-M, dup ; com Octt SS Thomae, Joannis et Innoc in L et
M, Cr,
Præf (sed
non Coic) Nat. V a cap seq, com præc et Octt SS Thomæ et Innoc. R
Salford. Com
Octt SS Joannis, Thomas et Innoc in L et M.
3 Fer 3. Octava
S Joannis Ap, dup ; com Octt SS Thomæ et Innoc in L et M, Cr, Præf App.
In V com seq et Oct S Thomæ. A
4 Fer 4.
Octava SS Innoc MM, dup ; ad Mat in resp 8 dic Gloria Patri et loco resp
9 Te Deum; com Oct S Thomæ in L et M, GI in exc, loco tract
dic Allel cum v seq, Cr, Præf Nat. V a cap seq (ut in 1 V fest) com præc, Vig et S Telesphori MP (ant Qui odit v Justus ex L) R
5 Fer 5. Vigilia
Epiph. Octava S Thomæ MP, dup ; ll
1 n Vig, 2 n Principes de coi 2 loco, 3 n ut in Suppl vel ex Dom 2 post
Pasch, 9 l et ult Evang Vig, com ejus et S (ant Iste sanctus v Gloria
ex 1 V) in L et M, Cr (Secreta pro S Hostias ex M Statuit pro
MP), Præf Nat. V seq sine com, ° et per Oct. R
+ 6 Fer 6.
INDULG PLEN. EPIPHANIA DNI, dup 1 cl A cum Oct ; ad Mat dictis Pater, Ave
et Credo, omitt Dne labia et absolute incip ab ant Afferte Dno
; ad Prim resp brev Qui apparuisti hodie (et per Oct) ; in M Cr, Præf et Coic
pr, et per Oct A
7 Sab. De 2
die infra Oct, sem ; ad Mat di Dne labia, Invit et hymn ; ll et ant ad Bened et Magn
quotid pr per Oct; resp 1 Tria sunt,
in 3 n ant Homo cum psalm Fundamenta ; in M 2 or Deus qui
salutis, 3 or Ecclesiæ vel pro Papa, Cr (prohib M V et Def). V a
cap Dom infra Oct, com Oct (ant Videntes stellam, v Omnes de Saba). A
Menev-Newp, Plym. Post M principalem Litan Lauret, et si fieri potest, Expos et
Bened SS Sacr.
‡ Hodie aperiuntur Solemnitates Nuptiarum.