29 April 2017

Second Sunday After Easter 1865

30 SUNDAY, Second after Easter. Octave of St George, Martyr, double. Second prayers and last Gospel of the Sunday. Red. First Vespers of Sts Philip and James, with commemoration of the Octave day of St George only. Red.

1 Monday (Feast of Devotion) Sts PHILIP and JAMES, double of the second class. Creed, Preface of the Apostles. Red.

2 Tuesday St Athanasius, Bishop Confessor Doctor, double. Creed. White.

3 Wednesday (Feast of Devotion) The INVENTION of the HOLY CROSS, double of the second class. In low Mass second prayers of Sts Alexander I Pope Martyr, Sts Eventius and Theodulys, Priests Martyrs, and St Juvenal Bishop Confessor. Creed, Preface of the Cross. Red. [In Diocese of Liverpool Plenary Indulgence.]

4 Thursday St Monica, Widow, double. White.

5 Friday St Catherine of Sienna, Virgin, double. White. Abstinence.

6 Saturday St John before the Latin Gate, greater double. Creed, Preface of the Apostles. Red.

As far as I can tell, the parish of the Holy Family, Great Saffron Hill, no longer exists, so there is no 2017 schedule to measure against this one.  I have left this description of parish life almost exactly as Fr Biemans must have provided it to Messrs Burns and Lambert just over 150 years ago.  If you have read this far do say an "Eternal Rest" for Frs Biemans and Blake.

The parish of the Holy Family, Great Saffron Hill is served by the Revs Joseph Louis Biemans and Francis Joseph Blake. On Sunday, Mass is at 7.30, 9.00 (for children), and 10.00. High Mass at 11.00. Baptisms and Churchings at 1.00; Catechism at 3.30, with Benediction on third Sunday of month, after which instruction for the teachers.  Vespers, sermon and Benediction at 7.00 pm. On first Sunday of month Procession in honour of the Rosary. On Holydays Mass at 7.00, 8.00, 9.00 (for children), and 10.00.  Rosary, instruction and Benediction at 8.00 pm. On Weekdays Mass at 7.00 and 8.00 (on Thursday at 8.00 and 9.00 (for children)). Baptisms and Churchings at 9.00. On first Monday of month devotions, instruction and Benediction for the Confraternity of Our Lady of Mount Carmel at 8.00 pm. On first Tuesday devotions, instruction and Benediction for the Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament at 8.00. On first Friday devotions, instruction and Benediction for the Confraternity of the Sacred Heart at 8.00 pm. Every Tuesday devotions, instruction and Benediction for the Confraternity of the Holy Family at 8.00 pm (men only admitted). On Wednesday devotions, instruction and Benediction at 8.00. On Thursday Rosary and Visit to Blessed Sacrament at 8.00. On Friday Rosary, instruction and Benediction at 8.00. Special services in Lent and Advent. Confessions on Saturday from 9.00 to 11.00 am, and on Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 6.00 pm, and on first Saturday of month from 5.00 pm. Confraternities of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, the Holy Family, Blessed Sacrament, Sacred Heart, Christian Doctrine, and Holy Rosary. Altar Society, Conference of S Vincent of Paul, Young Men's Society. Lending library; middle-class schools; night-schools in winter for young men; also for young women. The parish also serves the West London Union Workhouse.

22 April 2017

Low Sunday 1865


23 LOW SUNDAY, double. White. First Vespers of St Fidelis a Sigmaringa, commemoration of the Sunday. Red. Plenary Indulgence throughout the Octave of St George for Benefactors of the Poor-School Committee.
The Indulgence ends.

v  The time for fulfilling the precept of PASCHAL COMMUNION ends.

24 Monday St Fidelis a Sigmaringa, Martyr, double. Red.

25 Tuesday St Mark, Evangelist, double of the second class. Creed. Preface of the Apostles. Red. LITANIES. Violet.

26 Wednesday Sts Cletus and Marcellinus, Popes Martyrs, semidouble. Second prayers Concede. Third prayers for the Church or Pope. Red.

27 Thursday ST GEORGE, Patron of England, double of the First Class with an Octave (transferred from 23 April). Creed. Red.

28 Friday St Leo, Pope Confessor Doctor, double (transferred from 11 April). Third prayers of St Vitalis, Martyr. Creed. White. Abstinence.

29 Saturday. St Peter (of Verona), Martyr, double. Red.

The parish of St Mary, Gosport, is served by the Rev Angelo Maria Baldacconi DD as Missionary Rector.  Mass on Sundays at 8.00, 9.00 and 11.00.  On Holydays Mass is at 9.15.  On weekdays Mass is at 8.30. Vespers and Instruction on Sundays at 6.00, and on Holydays at 6.30. Rosary on Monday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday at 6.30. Rosary and instruction every evening in Lent at 6.30.

In 2017 the Priest-in-Charge is Fr Serafino Lanzetta. Anticipated Mass on Saturday at St Columba’s Bridgemary at 6.00. On Sunday Mass is at 9.15 and 11.00 (OF) and 5.00 pm (EF). Weekday Mass (EF) at 7.00 am (Saturday 9.30). Weekday Mass (OF) at varying times at Gosport or Bridgemary (see Bulletin). Vespers Saturday at 6.30. Rosary at 7.45 am Monday to Friday, 10.30 Saturday, and 8.55 Sunday.

19 April 2017

Really Annoying

According to Wikileaks, and revealed here, George Soros spent a lot of money to make sure that on the Pope's trip to US he went high on social justice and didn't bother with pesky things like abortion.  According to this narrative, even one of the Pope's advisers would become part of the plan.

“In order to seize this moment, we will support PICO’s organizing activities to engage the Pope on economic and racial justice issues, including using the influence of Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga, the Pope’s senior adviser”, it states, “and sending a delegation to visit the Vatican in the spring or summer to allow him to hear directly from low-income Catholics in America.”

Well, today the good Cardinal is busy giving an interview to an Italian language magazine in Switzerland about his four brothers in the College of Cardinals who have asked the Pope to better explain Amoris Laetitia. According to this report, what he says, translated, is:

 "First, I think they can't have read Amoris Laetitia, because unfortunately this seems to be the case. I know the four Cardinals, and my word to them (he laughs with contempt) is: "You've retired! You've already retired!" How come they have never said anything about weapons manufacturers? Some of them come from countries which manufacture and sell weapons which are causing the genocide that is taking place in Syria, for example. Why? I do not want to be, let's say, too hard on them: only God knows the conscience of people and their inner motivation; but from the outside I sense a new sort of Phariseeism. They are wrong: they should bother themselves with something else."

 If my brother tried something of this kind on me, he would find himself lamped (an expression common in Mancunian circles denoting a certain amount of physical reaction to unnatural provocation). I'm sure Cardinal Burke and his fellows are more holy and restrained than I am, and here is a proof: this is their brother whom they have had to sit with during Cardinals' get-togethers.


15 April 2017

Easter Week 1865

16 EASTER SUNDAY, double of the First Class with an Octave during which Creed. White. Vespers of the Feast. Plenary Indulgence.

17 (Feast of Devotion) EASTER Monday, double of the First Class. White.

18 (Feast of Devotion) EASTER Tuesday, double of the First Class. White.

19 Wednesday, Of the Octave, semidouble. Second prayers for the Church or Pope. White.

20 Thursday, Of the Octave, semidouble. Second prayers for the Church or Pope. White.

21 Friday, Of the Octave, semidouble. Second prayers for the Church or Pope. White. Abstinence.

22 Saturday, Of the Octave, semidouble. Second prayers for the Church or Pope. White.

The parish of Our Lady of the Seven Dolours in Peckham is served by the Capuchin Fathers: the Very Rev Fr Emidius and the Rev Frs Liborious, Pacificus Maria, and Timothy OSFC. Mass on Sundays at 7.00, 9.00, and 11.00 (with sermon. Catechism at 3.00. Vespers, sermon and Benediction at 6.30. On Holydays, Mass as 5.00, 7.00 and 10.00. Benediction at 7.00. Weekday Mass at 6.30, 7.00 and 8.30. Rosary every evening at 7.00. Way of the Cross at 7.00 pm on the last Friday. In Lent, at 7.00 pm Rosary of the Seven Dolours on Wednesday, Benediction on Thursday and Way of the Cross on Friday. On first Sunday procession of the Blessed Sacrament at 7.00. On 2 August, Portiuncula Plenary Indulgence, semel pro vivis, toties quoties pro defunctis. Exposition from 10.00 until Vespers.  40 Hours Exposition, Passion Thursday. Confraternities of the Seven Dolours, Living Rosary, Immaculate Heart of Mary for the Conversion of Sinners, the Cord, and the Third Order of St Francis.  The priests are also responsible for Camberwell Workhouse, Camberwell Lunatic Asylum, and the Victuallers’ Asylum on Old Kent-road.

Today the parish is known as Our Lady of Sorrows and is served by the Vincentian Fathers. Fr Richard Diala is Parish Priest, assisted by Frs Vincent George and Peter Ryman. The Rev Alfred-Joseph Banya is Permanent Deacon. Anticipated Mass on Saturday is at 6.30, and on Sundays at 8.30, 10.00 and 12.15. Mass on Holydays at 9.30 and 7.30 pm. Weekday Mass at 9.30, 10.30 on Saturdays. Evening Mass on Tuesday at 7.30 (St Anthony’s Novena), and at 7.30 on the third Thursday and the first Friday. Filipino Mass on first Sunday at 5.00 pm. Nigerian Mass on first Sunday at 2.00 pm. Confessions after morning Mass Monday to Friday. Divine Office Monday to Friday at 9.00 and 6.00. Exposition from the end of Mass Monday to Friday until the end of Divine Office. Rosary after morning Mass on weekdays. Divine Mercy Holy Hour on Thursday at 7.30 pm. Annual Procession of the Blessed Sacrament on the feast of Corpus Christi. Parish groups include the SVP, Neocatechumenal Way, Knights of St Columba, Legion of Mary, Guild of St Stephen, Ladies of Charity, Divine Mercy Prayer Group, Charismatic Prayer Group, Liturgy Committee, and associations for Catholics from Sierra Leone, Ghana, Nigeria and the Philippines.

14 April 2017

A Goldfinch For Fr Z

According to legend, Goldfinch have red heads because they tried to pick out the thorns from the Crown of Thorns on Good Friday.  This morning a bunch of them came clattering in to a patch of weed we always leave for the birds that like weeds.

And in the kitchen we had some sort of moth (I assume) reminding us of the Cross.

08 April 2017

Holy Week 1865

9 PALM SUNDAY, semidouble. Violet. Vespers of the Sunday without suffrages. [In Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle Plenary Indulgence.]

10 Monday. Feria. Second prayers for the Church and the Pope.

11 Tuesday. Feria. Second prayers for the Church and the Pope.

12 Wednesday. Feria. Second prayers for the Church and the Pope. 

v On this and the following two nights the office of Tenebrae.

13 Maundy-Thursday, double of the first class. Creed. White.

14 Good-Friday, double of the first class. Black.

15 Holy-Saturday, double of the first class. Paschal Preface (till the Ascension). White.

v  After Compline, Regina Caeli till Trinity Sunday exclusively.

Here begins the Paschal Time

I have no notices for 1865, and The Tablet archive seems to have become pay-to-view, but these notices are reposted as they show exactly what Holy Week would have been like.

Holy Week was wrecked during the Pontificate of Pius XII as the Roman Calendar was wrecked during Pius X's.


01 April 2017

Passion Sunday 1865

2 PASSION SUNDAY, semidouble. Second prayers for the Church or Pope. Violet. First Vespers of St Richard, Meruit supremos, commemoration of the Sunday. White.] [In Diocese of Hexham and Newcastle Plenary Indulgence.]

3 Monday St Richard, Bishop Confessor, double. White.

4 Tuesday St Isidore, Bishop Confessor, double. Creed. White.

5 Wednesday St Vincent Ferrer, Confessor, double. White.

6 St Francis of Paula, Confessor, double of the second class. White.

7 Friday The Seven Dolours of the BVM, greater double. Creed. Preface of the BVM. White. Plenary Indulgence.

8 Saturday Feria. Violet.

The Parish of Our Lady Immaculate and St Cuthbert in Crook is served by the Rev Thomas W Wilkinson.  Mass on Sundays and Holydays at 8.30 and 10.30. Vespers and Benediction at 6.00. Benediction on all Days of Devotion, Feasts of Patrons, and every Thursday at 7.30. Weekday Mass at 8.00. Devotions every evening. Procession of the Confraternity of the Rosary on the first Sunday at 6.00.

In 2017 the parish is served by the Rev Gordon Ryan.  On Sunday Mass is at 10.30.  Anticipated Mass is at St Thomas, Wolsingham at 5.30, and Mass is also said at St Joseph, Tow Law on Sunday at 9.00. See bulletin for times of Masses and Eucharistic Services in the three churches. Confessions before Thursday evening Mass at Our Lady and St Cuthbert when that Mass is celebrated. Stations of the Cross on Fridays of Lent in all three churches.