In the cities of London and Liverpool, and in the dioceses of Beverley and Southwark, the announcements contained in the local Ordo are made
+ 1 Sunday Eighteenth after Pentecost. PLENARY INDULGENCE. The Most Holy Rosary of the BVM, major double. Last Gospel and commemoration of the Sunday, and commemoration of St Remigius. Preface Et te in solemnitate. White. At Vespers commemoration of the Guardian Angels and of the Sunday.
Menevia and Newport (Cathedral) Commemoration of the Octave before commemoration of St Remigius. At Vespers commemoration of the Guardian Angels, the Sunday and the Octave
Southwark Annual collection
The Indulgence Ends
2 Monday The Guardian Angels, double. Creed. White.
Menevia and Newport (Cathedral) Commemoration of the Octave.
3 Tuesday St Thomas of Hereford Confessor Bishop, double. Mass Sacerdotes with prayers chosen by priest. White.
Menevia and Newport (Whole diocese) Commemoration of the Octave. Creed.
4 Wednesday St Francis of Assisi Confessor, double. White.
Menevia and Newport (Cathedral) Commemoration of the Octave. Creed.
5 Thursday The Blessed Sacrament, double. Commemoration of St Placidus and Companions Martyrs. Third prayers A Cunctis. Preface of the Nativity. White.
Menevia and Newport (Cathedral) Mass of the seventh day in the Octave, semidouble. Commemoration of Sts Placidus and Companions Martyrs. Third prayers Concede. Creed.
6 Friday St Bruno Confessor, double. White.
Menevia and Newport (Cathedral) Octave of St Michael the Archangel, double. Creed.
7 Saturday The Immaculate Conception of the BVM, semidouble. Commemoration of St Mark Pope Confessor and Sts Sergius and Companions Martyrs. Preface Et te in Concep Immac. White.
Clifton and Plymouth Principal Mass Votive Mass of the BVM on Saturday except for grave reasons. Gloria, one prayer, Creed. Litany of Loreto and if possible Exposition and Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament. White.
Menevia and Newport (Cathedral) Principal Mass
Votive Mass of the BVM on Saturday except for grave reasons. Gloria, one
prayer, Creed. Litany of Loreto and if possible Exposition and Benediction of
the Blessed Sacrament. White. At other Masses St Bruno Confessor, double
(from 6 October). Commemoration of St Mark Pope Confessor and Sts Sergius and
Companions Martyrs. White.